
LEGACY Tuition & Fees

Primary Care Paramedic Program


The information on this page relates to our Legacy PCP program that is being retired in October 2024.

For information on the new 1-year PCP program launching in November 2024, please click here.

What does the PCP training program cost?

Columbia Paramedic Academy will be transitioning to a 1-year PCP Program for all courses starting after November 15th, 2024.  Learn more here.

This new, longer program will require us to increase tuition in order to cover costs for added instructional time.  When reviewing the information below, please be sure to find the section that relates to your training – either Legacy (starts prior to Nov. 15, 2024) or New.

Legacy Program Tuition & Fees


Due dates for each item are indicated below and are subject to the applicable refund policies.

Throughout the PCP program, you will be accessing various online resources and documenting aspects of your training electronically. The PCP program utilizes an in-house competency tracking system to track student progress through both the in-class and practicum portions of the program. There are also other additional curriculum resources that require access to the internet.

Students are required to have either a laptop or tablet during the program to support their learning. 


The following must be sourced from third parties. CPA provides an up-to-date list of vendors in acceptance packages to help students source each item.

For clothing, students can select their vendors and brands, but they must comply with the Academy Uniform Standard (colour, features, no corporate branding, etc.).  Details of the standard can be found in our Applicant Guide and is also included in acceptance offer packages.

New 1-year Program Tuition & Fees


The following must be sourced from third parties. CPA provides an up-to-date list of vendors in acceptance packages to help students source each item.

For clothing, students can select their vendors and brands, but they must comply with the Academy Uniform Standard (colour, features, no corporate branding, etc.).  Details of the standard can be found in our Applicant Guide and is also included in acceptance offer packages.