
PCP Scope Update

Primary Care Paramedic Program

The PCP Scope Update course has been developed in response to 2022 Ministerial Order M292 that brought significant changes to all license levels in BC through scope expansion.  You can learn more about the changes and rationale by visiting the EMALB website found here, but one important requirement is for all current license holders to complete additional training to bring them up to, at least, holding full Schedule 1 endorsements.  Note that the original order required this training by September 2024, but a subsequent ministerial order pushed that deadline 1 year to September 2025.

This training course, originally designed by BCEHS and then modified by Columbia to provide specific focus on the needs of private-sector paramedics, provides students with the training required to continue holding their PCP license beyond September 2025.

NOTE – this page and course relate only to the PCP Scope of Practice update.  For ACP Scope of Practice information please visit our page here.


20 hours
(12 Online, 8 in-person)

Course Fee


Eligibility Requirements

        • Must hold a current EMALB PCP license, OR
        • Must have graduated from an EMALB recognized PCP program within the past 12 months

Course Format & Content

This course is delivered via a blend of online and in-person learning, allowing students to complete the bulk of their training wherever suits them best.  It begins with an 8-hour online, self-paced training package that delivers the foundational knowledge required to use the expanded scope.  Students then attend a 1-day (8 hour) workshop where they will learn and then practice the skills hands-on with an experienced instructor.  Upon successful completion of the in-person training students will then gain access to the final online, self-paced module that includes an additional 4 hours of learning and testing to complete the course.

This course includes all new PCP Schedule 1 endorsements.  In addition, it also includes the following new PCP Schedule 2 endorsements:

    • PCP Schedule 2(f) administration of intranasal & intraosseous: (i) anti-emetic – anti-nauseant and (ii) vitamins
    • PCP Schedule 2(f) administration of the following inhaled, intramuscular, intranasal, intraosseous, intravenous, nebulized, oral, subcutaneous or sublingual medications: (iii)corticosteroids; (iv) administration of opioid analgesic (v)anti-cholinergic
    • PCP Schedule 2(g) collection of capillary and venous blood samples;
    • PCP Schedule 2(h) initiation and maintenance of intraosseous needle cannulation with local anesthetic instillation
    • PCP Schedule 2(i) taking microbiology swabs of dermal and mucosal sites
    • PCP Schedule 2(m) administration of chemical and biological agent countermeasures

Course Delivery

We value smaller class sizes with significant 1:1 instructor time for each student.  As such, we are only able to accommodate a maximum of 12 students for each training date.  In our permanent locations in Victoria and Langley we’ll be offering these courses at our facilities, while elsewhere throughout the province we plan to utilize the various colleges, community halls and other locations that currently support our full Primary Care Paramedic program.  We will be offering options in all regions of BC, including offerings in communities such as Quesnel, Terrace, Fort St John, Cranbrook, Nanaimo and more.

As license holders must obtain this training prior to September, we will only be offering these courses between April – July 2025. Please do not leave this to the last minute as we do not intend to add any courses after July 2025 and at this time no other school in BC has announced plans to offer this required training.  

IMPORTANT while we are working hard to organize courses in a number of smaller communities, we do require a minimum of 5 students to allow us to run full trauma simulations.  As such, we cannot give final confirmation a course will go-ahead until we confirm there are at least 5 participants registered 2-weeks or more in advance.

Available course locations & dates appear below, with new courses being added as soon as details are finalized for each.  Our initial list of at least 24 dates in 10+ locations will be posted by February 15th and a further 10-12 additional courses will be added throughout the spring based on need, so please check back often to find the location and date most convenient to you.

Don’t see a location close to you?  Use the button below to let us know of your interest and what community you would like to see training added.


To register, select a course location & date below for your in-person training.  You will automatically receive access to the online, self-paced training after registering for the in-person date and making payment. 

Be sure to take note of the following:

  • Courses require a minimum of 5 students to allow us to run full trauma simulations.  Courses with less than 5 registrants 2-weeks prior to training will be cancelled.
  • You must complete the 8-hour online course PRIOR to attending in person.  This will be confirmed in-person by your instructor at the start of the day, and those who have not compeleted will not be permitted to stay.

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