Program Application

Paramedic Programs

We’re excited to get to know you! 

We use an online application system to collect and manage applications for our PCP and ACP programs.  Simply click the “Apply Now” button below to begin your registration by paying the required $85 (either program) application fee.  You’ll then receive an access to our online application portal which will allow you to upload documents and complete your application at your own pace.

‘First Come, First Served’ Admissions

Both our PCP and ACP programs offer continuous acceptance based on a “First Come, First Served” approach for qualified candidates rather than deciding on admission after a closing date.  It is important to note that your priority placement for a seat is based on that date & time the final required document is uploaded in our system, not the day you paid your application fee.

Primary Care Paramedic
Program Application

Advanced Care Paramedic Program Application