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Paramedic Career Framework

The Paramedic Association of Canada (PAC) posted a Venn drawing of the possibilities for a Paramedic’s career a few years ago with the Paramedic at the center of the drawing.

This Paramedic Career Framework is published by the UK College of Paramedics and I believe that PAC has adopted something similar.

We are strong advocates of a Paramedic expanding their horizon in terms of their career paths aside from the ‘traditional’ movement of some Paramedics up through the ranks to a management role.

With the advent of positions like the Paramedic Specialist and the Community Paramedic there are many career paths that keep a Paramedic in position in the profession, but other opportunities abound.

There are of course many Paramedics who go on to a research career and we need these positions to further the ‘evidence-based medicine’ practice in Canada.

I have met former and current Paramedics at various national and regional Paramedic conferences who work with the Society for Pre-hospital Educators in Canada (SPEC) who are very seriously supporting Paramedic research in Canada.

At these national and regional Paramedic conferences there is now an Education Career track for those who are in the business of educating Paramedics and strive for the best practices in the classroom.

As a training agency we are very supportive of continuing education and evidence-based medicine and so are pleased to be associated with Paramedics such as George Hleboff, Mike Billingham and Jason Johnson.

Thank you.
Paul Stone
HeartSafe EMS Paramedic Training Ltd.